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Due to worldwide supply chain issues and constant price changes by suppliers, some of the pricing on this website is not up to date. If you have any questions about pricing, we can email you an order confirmation (without the shipping cost) for the order you placed so you have the updated cost which will coincide with what is shown on the invoice you receive. Hopefully this will alleviate any confusion and misinformation that maybe listed on the site. If you have any questions please email your questions to and cc and and we will address your questions promptly.

We thank you for your business and we are working diligently to assure proper information. Your patience and understanding is very much appreciated!

Aviation Apparel

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Uniforms Today offers aviation clothing for airlines, professional pilots, and transportation companies.

We have a long history of assisting aviation operators. Our catalog ranges from long-sleeve and short-sleeve pilot uniform shirts as well as wing pins, ties, epaulets, and other professional accessories.

Our customers take the skies knowing their employees are wearing comfortable, performance-tested, stylish, custom apparel. 

Aviation Categories